Learn arabic for a career

4 Reasons Why You Need To Learn Arabic For A Career In GCC

This beautiful quote of Hillel the Elder – “If not now, then when?” was ahead of its time. Hillel, a renowned rabbi from Jerusalem, intended to inspire people. He prompted them to take immediate action and not waste time procrastinating. This quote still fits!

Due to the rapidly changing pace of the world, everything is progressing. Such as technology, industries, cyberspace, infrastructure, and even careers.  If we do not accelerate now, then when? The world of career growth opportunities awaits us in the GCC – Gulf Cooperation Council.

However, before moving any further, let us know what GCC is first. It is an agreement between countries of the Middle East, established in 1981. Moreover, the purpose of this alliance is to achieve the common goals of members with unity. Alternatively, since the treaty is among Gulf countries, then it is obvious that the Arabic Language is a necessity to fit in.

Advancing A Career In The Gulf By Learning Arabic

The Gulf Co-operation Council has seen major economic swings in recent years. It even managed to become the center of attention for many first-world countries.  Especially when they shifted their focus from oil refineries to renewable energy, technology, and tourism. Thus, the Middle East has become a real hotspot for international recruits.

On the contrary, building a career in the Gulf countries is not a piece of cake. You will have to keep up with the increasing cultural diversity of the world and whatnot. However, take it easy, champ! We have just the right tips to make a perfect CV for applicants of GCC.

Four explanations of how adding Arabic as a linguistic skill in your CV will transform a career for you:

Shine Brighter

Arabic is the official language of over 20 countries and is widely spoken in the increasingly interconnected world. It not only gives you access to growing job markets in the Gulf but also offers you a competitive edge.

Yes, you heard it right. Just by educating yourself on the reputable language of Mid-Eastern countries, you gain the right of entry to various industries. For example, logistics, IT, Telecom, and other FMCGs. All of this is due to the rising job opportunities in GCC.  They need recruits and the best fits are ones who know the estate’s language and culture. In addition, when you outsmart other candidates, the employer offers you better incentives. A total win!

Tap The Market Niches

Working in the Gulf countries can be an uphill battle for several reasons, like social differences and semantic barriers, regardless of the huge number of employment openings in the public sector, private companies, and NGOs. Sometimes, people are deliberately rejected because of their incompetent resumes.

So to avoid that, we advise you to study the common language of the Gulf countries. It lands you in unexpected niches like interpreters and translators. Other than these, you name the industry, and a job opening is waiting for you. It is incredible how one language can open gates to new markets and endless opportunities.

Fluent Communication With The Natives

There are two ground rules for standing out in the pack of potential candidates. Number one is having an exclusive CV that is worth the attention. For this, you can simply browse CV writing Services in GCC. Conversely, the second ground rule is a bit tricky. It requires you to have exceptional skills for luring the hiring manager.

Apart from this, a proficiency like this helps connect globally. It lets you understand the intricacy of all the cultural and political aspects. Moreover, you also get familiar with their work ethics, business insights, and social values.  As a result, you earn their trust, and it grows easier to build business relationships based on mutual understanding.       

Road To Self-Actualization

On top of all these reasons, there is the element of personal growth. Learning Arabic can make a big difference in your career through countless means, but this one is the most relatable.

Growing individually in terms of personal achievement is what makes you feel good about yourself. More than just grooming you professionally, learning Arabic will also broaden your horizons. Your experiences and knowledge will reach new heights.

Furthermore, gaining expertise to adjust for professional expansion benefits you with some bonus talents. For instance, problem-solving, resilience, consistency, and patience. Such abilities are extremely appreciated in the corporate sector.

Which are GCC countries?

There are a total of six countries under the Gulf Cooperation Council. Namely: UAE, Kingdom of Bahrain, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Sultanate of Oman, State of Qatar and State of Kuwait.

What is the role of GCC in the Middle East crisis?

GCC is responsible for raising voices against any crisis that a member country or Muslim community goes through, such as recent Arab peace initiatives for the rights of Palestinians.

What form of Arabic is the most useful?

Modern Standard Arabic – MSA is the most useful form of this language. This dialect is widely spoken around the World. Moreover, its vocabulary and grammar rules are far less complex than the classic form.

What is Arabic’s contribution to human civilization?

It holds a massive cultural impact in the fields of art, literature, language, and even music. It has also been a medium of communication for many scientists. Thus, this language of 300 Million people is majestic.

To Conclude..

The language of the Gulf holds the fifth rank in the list of most common languages of the world. It has a significant history in the subcontinent, and now it has become a tool for advancing your career in GCC.

Spoken in the Middle East and North African countries, this language stands as a gateway to enter the commerce sector of the Gulf. It makes you shine brighter in so many ways. Moreover, it lands you in exceptional niches that are still a secret for many. This includes the job of interpreters, transcribers, translators, etc.

To sum up, now that the Middle East has become a magnet for business professionals, what are you waiting for? Tomorrow never comes. Register now for an online Arabic teaching class and take advantage of this tremendous opportunity before the world does.